Saturday, August 7, 2010

four day weekend

The last few days have been very fun, relaxing, lazy, and a little crazy. Wednesday was our first day of classes and I only had two, anthropology and spanish. My anthropology class was pretty overwhelming because it was a class with about 40 people and I was one of probably 5 gringos. The class started with everyone going around and saying their name, where their from, and why they wanted to take the class and when I first heard this I thought i was going to have a heart attack! I quickly scribbled sentences in my notebook to prepare for my turn and tried to listen to the other students so I could kind of copy what they were saying, but I couldn't understand anything! They actually sounded like they were speaking a different language, I would hear some familiar words and then they started to sound like they were speaking chinese or something so I kind of gave up. The class was supposed to be 3 hours long (its only once a week thank god!) but it was only an hour because it was the first day. After class I had a pretty long break and then had spanish which was pretty easy and it's through my program so it was great to be in a class of all familiar faces!

Because history classes don't start until next week I didn't have class on Thursday and I don't have class on Friday, which means 4 day weekend! Honestly though I'm kind of ready for classes to start because i've had a wholeeee lot of free time recently. Thursday and Friday were pretty lazy and relaxing... sleeping in and then I've been going to starbucks every day (i know it's bad and not exactly chilean, but it's soooo good!) Last night my friends and I made a mexican dinner at my house with my brother, Axel and it was excellent. We made a huge bowl of guacamole and then had chicken and beef tacos. We were pretty proud of ourselves. After dinner we went out to the discotecas, which are obviously very fun but people don't start getting there until around 2am sooooo I've been staying up a lot, lot, lot later than I normally do! I'm getting use to it, (i mean its not that hard) and i'm sure i'll turn nocturnal in no time!
Hasta luegoooo, besosssss, jajajajjaajjaaj bye!

1 comment:

  1. Abby, you are tooooo funny. Geoffrey and I are crackin' up! Oh, and i am soooo glad I'm not in those spanish immersion classes with you! Rosetta Stone for me...........!!!! Your neighbor and blog-fan Laura Luce
